Crab Apple Scions: Red Sentinel


5 X Scions of mixed thickness.

7 in stock


Crab apple scions for sale sold in packs of 5 .

This is a fantastic crab apple, great for wild life and for crab apple  jelly too as well as being an excellent pollinator of apple trees.  Strongly recommend if you want to improve your apple crop to graft a few branches with this. It has a long season for pollinators.
The bright red crab apples appear as the summer draws to an end and autumn arrives, often forming so numerously that the branches can be weighted down with the crop and make a fantastic crab apple jelly.
If they are not preyed upon by the birds, these attractive crabs can remain on the tree well into the wintertime so has good winter appeal too.

Scions are of varying thickness to allow you to choose best fit and have been cold stored since winter.